-make sure you're practicing the read aloud in the preparation time and DO NOT make more than 2-3 mistakes
-know the describe image format by heart and practice, practice, practice!!! (fluency is very important, people scoring 90 in speaking practice hundreds of images)
-same for retell lecture, know the format and practice getting 20+ keywords in your notes (regardless of the length of the audio)
-Know the essay format and try actually typing a few by timing yourself (refer to the finished essays for additional ideas or examples)
-Go through SWT questions and sample answers, make sure you know the strategy (it's more important than knowing the specific paragraph)
-Study the collocation and verbs+prepositions
-Actually try to solve the provided practice questions, don't just read them. It will help your comprehension and ability to solve new questions that may come into your exam
-Understand the reorder paragraph strategy. Re-watch the video lesson. Focus on finding the pairs
-Know the SST format and practice! (you can use the same notes as in your retell lectures)
-DICTATION, DICTATION, DICTATION!!!! (practice all by hand and correct your mistakes)
When you covered these things - go through the MOST RECENT forecast file in your files (for any NEW questions that are not in the previous materials).
After you've done this - please do ask questions in the LIVE sessions for more detailed explanations.